appear to be afraid to say what he believed!
He was very outspoken; challenging the Liberals and the MSM. He said all the right things to convince me that he had what it takes to put this country back on the right track! I believed he was the guy who would get rid of the backroom deals and run an open honest administration!
Remember when he said he wouldn’t quit the fight for a recount after he was defeated in his bid for a second term in the U.S. House of Representatives? Then he threw in the towel just a few days later; even in the face of overwhelming evidence of voter fraud and he gave no real explanation for his sudden change of heart!
Well I was disappointed to say the least; I thought he was more of a fighter than that but, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and moved on!
His latest project has been to launch the “Allen West Guardian Fund” to raise 5 Million dollars to help; in his words
“elect 12 new hard-charging constitutional conservatives who either have a military background or are minorities committed to taking a stand against big government and President Obama for the next four years.” Checkout his fundraiser site here!
All this sounded really great and I was really considering dropping a few bucks into the kitty and then I came across an article in the Western Center for Journalism! I was dumbfounded to say the least and I think you will be too! Read the article for yourselves and then ask yourselves if he is really serious about our Constitution, is he serious about stopping Obama or, just another hypocrite looking to get rich at our expense?
He says he wants to stop Obama and return Constitutional government but, turns down the perfect opportunity to do both; because he has future political aspirations! It would appear that he hasn’t been truthful with us, huh!
I have one question for Mr. West! Will the real Allen West please standup?
In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress. - John Adams
Dave Allen