Don’t close yet! Hang around for a minute and then decide for yourself. Let me give you a possible scenario. Its early 2015 and Obama is facing a lameduck period until the next presidential election, due to recent gains in the Senate and House which put the liberals in the minority. With his narcistic and egotistical personality and utter disregard for the law, as we understand it, he proposes a budget which is so ridiculously expensive that congress fails to pass it and offers their own budget which Obama vetoes at the last moment. Unable to reach any agreement, the government begins to shut down. Obama cuts fed aid to the poor. No more housing aid, no EBT cards or welfare checks. No social security, banks close, credit accounts are frozen. Chaos ensues!
Thousands take to the streets, riots and looting are rampant, grocery store shelves are emptied in a matter of minutes, fires erupt, and utility companies shut down. With no electricity, businesses close. Food supplies dwindle and then stop altogether. Lines of communication fail, No television, no telephones, No way of finding out what is happening! Of course, all of this will be blamed on the Republicans and Teaparty who will be treated as war criminals.
Rioting is everywhere. Obama declares martial law, suspends the Constitution, thereby eliminating any effectiveness of the legislative and judicial branches. His federal forces and the military are called out to attempt to quell the riots, but by then the entire nation is in uproar. Thousands of home invasions and murders take place as the unprepared and starving masses search for food and arms to protect themselves. Gun owners are searched out by Obama’s personal armies and forced to surrender their arms or defend until the death.
Our only hope is for the military to take control. However, Obama has previously gotten rid of at least 150 of our highest commanders who would have the guts to chance such an operation. Less senior officers would possibly not take the chance of being branded with treason. And so Obama rules Supreme.
Even if conservatives don’t take both houses, the same action might take place due to Obama’s determination to bankrupt America and force us into socialism. And still he rules!
I pray that this never happens but recent events point toward such a catastrophe. Things like the recent purchase of approximately 2 billion rounds of hollow nose rounds of ammo by federal forces (numbering approx. 135,000) other than the military. Hollow nose ammo being the deadliest type available. In comparison, at the height of the Iraqi war, our troops fired approximately 22.5 million rounds per month. Training for a “Zombie Apocalypse” by federal forces as well as the military. Could those “zombies” be the thousands of rioters that will be in the streets? Sounds eerily similar to me. And then there is the dismissal of approximately 150 of our most senior and battle experienced higher ranking officers over the past couple of years. Coupled with Obama’s total disrespect for the law and his determination to bankrupt America, these items force me to believe that we are going to see changes that we would have never thought possible ten years ago. I hope that these events never take place but for me and mine, I am going to be ready!
As always we welcome your comments! Agree or disagree!
Thomas R. Allen