First, allow me to express my opinion on obama’s SOTU last night! It was 100% pure Communistic bullshit! Now that I’ve cleared that up, on with the real reason for my blog!
In my humble opinion, every conservative voter in this country should give their Congressman, or would be Congressman the choice above! Impeach obama or we Impeach you!
Personally, I will not vote for anyone (incumbent, new candidate, alike) who is running for Congress in 2014 if they won’t vote for impeachment! That is the test everyone must pass to get my vote! If they won’t vote for impeachment; my money and my vote goes to someone who will! If every American conservative voter would send that message to their current Congressman or Candidate, vying for their vote and financial support; obama would be out of the White House and hiding somewhere in his Kenyan homeland, even before the final election results hit the morning after headlines in November!
If everyone gave their Candidate that choice, not only would we maintain and increase our majority in the House we would retake the majority in the Senate, as well, and take away “Dirty Harry’s” control! Then all those guys that got elected by saying they would vote to impeach Obama would have to put up, or shut up and get replaced next time around!
There is a long list of RINOs in Congress including; McCain, Flake (McCain’s understudy), Graham, McConnell & Boehner; just to name a few! Most have been there at least 3, 4 or more terms! That’s way too long and they have way too much power to allow them to continue! Any real change in DC has to start with them! We need to replace all the Liberal RINOs in Congress with true hardcore Conservatives! Short of a real “Shooting Revolution” it’s the only way to save our Country!
We must restore Constitutional Government to our Country soon or allow our new “dictator-in-chief” to continue to rule by “Executive Order”! I for one have no intentions of bowing to anyone! Certainly not the likes of “king obama”! He is doing everything he can get away with to destroy our Constitution and being aided and abetted by the aforementioned RINOs who have done nothing to stop him!
"In every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten, then he who continues the attack wins."
~ U. S. Grant
The time to stop him has arrived folks! Impeach or be impeached is the choice all Congressional Candidates should be given in November 2014!
Agree or disagree! I welcome your comments!
Dave Allen