My definition of a career politician; one who has out lived his or her effectiveness at representing the best interest of the people who elected them! One who works harder at keeping their job, rather than doing the job they were elected to do! One who is more concerned with the public opinion polls than what’s best for our country! I could say a lot more, but you get the picture I’m sure! We currently have a ton of them in Congress; in both the House and the Senate and on both sides of the aisle!
To say that I favor “term limits” would be the understatement of the millennium! Why do I favor term limits? I favor term limits because long term tenure in any position of power almost always leads to corruption. The following quotation says it best:
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." ~ John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834–1902).
Tenure in Congress breeds familiarity, familiarity breeds cronyism, cronyism breeds corruption and so on! Eventually it leads to compromise and even outright capitulation; going along to get along! Never bite the hand that feeds you becomes the rule! The desire for personal gain replaces the desire to do what’s best for our country! You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours!
Enough clichés, here are some great examples of career politicians; aka poster children for political corruption! Since I am a proud member of neither party; in the interest of fair play, I will give a couple of examples from both parties! Here goes!
Harry Reid is currently serving his 5th term in the Senate (28 years with two more years to go) and has announced his intention to run again in 2016! Absolute rule in the Senate as current Majority Leader! How’ that working out for you? I guess Nevada will never learn!
John Boehner has been in the U.S. House of Representatives for 12 terms (24 years) and was just reelected to a 13th term! A master of compromise and capitulation for the purpose of insuring his own political future! The ultimate RINO! Good grief Ohio, what have you done to us?
Mitch McConnell has been in the U.S. Senate for 5 terms (30 years) and was just reelected to a 6th term! Will soon be taking the position that “Dirty Harry” has and he’s basically a carbon copy of John Boehner! God help us all! Thanks a lot Kentucky!
Nancy Pelosi’s tenure predates that of John Boehner! Since 1987 she’s been sharing her brilliant intellect with the American voters! I probably don’t need to remind you, she’s the author of that now infamous statement in reference to “ObamaCare”; “we have to pass it to see what’s in it!” She is brought to us by the voters of one of the most Democrat dominated districts in Mexifornia (the land of fruits and nuts). No way to get rid of her! Need I say more?
Just for the record and once again in the spirit of fair play because I live in Arizona and for whatever reason we can’t shake our addiction to John McCain; he has to go! Not to mention, his new buddy and fellow RINO Jeff Flake should go with him! They are without question the perfect examples of “Classic RINOs"!
Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to
realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.
~ Ronald Reagan
The six people above are our Congressional Leaders folks, and have been for quite some time! Yet we ask ourselves why Washington D.C. doesn’t change? Remember that definition of insanity; doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? Think about that for a minute! Isn’t that exactly what we’ve been doing all along?
Seems to me that both parties are guilty of insanity! Republicans won the election, but did the American people win considering we still have the same leaders in place? The same ones who rollover and play dead while Barak Obama does whatever the hell he pleases? I think not! As long as we continue down that same path; nothing will change in Washington D.C.
Not only do we need new leaders; we need new rules for how Congress operates! We can no longer allow one person; neither Speaker of the House nor Majority Leader of the Senate to have absolute rule over when and what comes before the full body for a vote! Other changes are needed as well; primarily, their relationship with lobbyist for one thing! Some changes may require a change to the Constitution, but that’s another subject, for another blog article; another day!
Changing leaders is very important, but changing the operational rules is equally important in my opinion; otherwise, Washington D.C. will forever be the “District of Corruption”! Same old, same old! Status Quo!
Both McConnell and John Boehner have both just been reelected for another term in Congress! Both have proven to be totally worthless at representing the best interest of the American people! Both will be the leaders of their respective Congressional Bodies for at least two years unless the American people do something to change that! There isn’t much we can do to remove them from Congress completely and immediately, but removing them from leadership roles is another matter! It is a must if we want true change!
We propose that everyone contact their congressional representatives and demand that both McConnell and Boehner be replaced and new leaders be chosen after all newly elected members have been seated! Since new members have to work with their leaders; it’s only right and fitting they have a say in choosing those leaders!
Ronald Reagan was one of the most popular Presidents of all times! Even a lot of Democrats loved him! I think we should take his aforementioned advice about changes!
There you have it folks; fair and balanced! That’s what we say! Now what say you America?
God Bless our Troops past and present and God Bless the United States of America!
Agree or disagree! As always we welcome your comments!
Dave Allen
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