The right to self-defense when threatened with death or serious bodily harm is absolute; inalienable! It comes from our Creator (whomever or whatever you believe that to be) and is guaranteed by the United States Constitution! It does not just apply in your home or, on your own property! The time and place where you exercise that right is of no consequence; whether in a public or private place, as long as you have a legal right to be there! Anywhere and anytime you are threatened with what you believe to be deadly force that puts you in fear for your life or, serious bodily injury; you have a right to respond with deadly force. Period!
In response to Sheila Jackson Lee, the very ignorant, very vocal and very “politically correct” racist Congresswoman from Texas, there is no “Duty to Retreat” and passing such a law would not only violate our Constitution by taking away our right of self-defense but, would be in direct contradiction to the intent of the “Founding Fathers” when they created it! The very idea flies in the face of individual freedom and everything our country stands for!
You have no obligation or duty to retreat when you are threatened and in fear for your life and your safety. You have no obligation or duty to appease your assailant! It is your right to defend your life with necessary force and if you have any duty or obligation whatever in that circumstance; it is in fact to “stand your ground’ and confront the evil and tyranny that threatens you, not to appease it or, retreat from it!
Had Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Washington and the rest retreated when threatened; the “Declaration of Independence”, the “Constitution” and this once great country would never have existed! They, along with all the other patriots who fought for our freedom, “stood their ground”. They stared evil and tyranny in the face; defied it and defeated it! From all accounts the ones who died in the fight did not get shot in the back while in retreat!
Neither will I; neither should you! Not only is it your right to “stand your ground”; it is your “civic duty” to stand your ground. It’s the right thing to do!
When I enlisted in the military in 1961, I took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies; both foreign and domestic! I still consider that my duty! I will defend the Constitution! I will defend individual freedom and individual rights! I will defend my life and the lives of the people who are dear to me against any enemy who threatens us!
I will stand my ground! How about you?
God bless our troops and God bless the United States of America!
Dave Allen