Motorcycles, on the other hand, had a pretty decent turn out! Estimates ranged from around 800,000 to 1.2 million, give or take a couple (don’t recall seeing any “burkas” in the crowd)! Despite the fact that their permit was denied; they came anyway! No permit! No problem! You don’t need a permit to go for a ride on your bike! No law against riding your “bike” through our Nations’ Capitol. Even if several hundred thousand bikers decide to do it simultaneously; still nothing illegal about that! I know our current President would not agree but, it’s still a free
country; isn’t it?
I’m not surprised that the MSM (aka, Lame Stream Media) didn’t give it much coverage. Covering displays of “patriotic behavior”, whether large or small doesn’t advance their agenda, so they just don’t bother giving them any air time. Had the “Million Muslim March” actually materialized; we’d still be seeing 24/7 coverage, even now, complete with cries of “Allah Akbar”.
No doubt, every Muslim in Washington, D.C. heard the roar of the motorcycles on 9/11/2013. No doubt, every elected official in Washington, D.C. heard it as well!
There are signs that Congress is finally beginning to hear what the American people have been saying for a long time now! This morning the House passed a continuing resolution to fund the government while defunding ObamaCare! It’s about time don’t you think! Largely because the TEA Party, the Heritage Foundation and similar groups have taken it to the next level by enlisting greater citizen participation recently. More phone calls, more faxes, more emails and greater participation at “Town Halls” are starting to get results! Even the RINO’s like Speaker Boehner are beginning to get the message. We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more!
The majority of the American people have been way too silent for way too long! We have allowed the minority groups to out shout us for far too long. It’s time to speak our mind and make sure that everyone hears us, just
like they heard the roar of those motorcycles!
Let it roar folks! Let it roar!
"The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." ~ Frederick Douglass
Dave Allen