In my opinion and the opinion of countless others over the last 200+ years since they were written, the two greatest documents in the history of our Country are “The Declaration of Independence” and “The United States Constitution”. They are the foundation of our Country, our governing principles, and they state the authorization for our liberty and our way of life! They are based on the indisputable fact that “all men are created “equal". Period!
Our Liberal friends will tell you they are just old, outdated, meaningless documents and words that have lost their
effectiveness in the modern world. They tell us we need to move on and adapt our government and our Constitution to conform to our current culture and lifestyles. They consider our Constitution to be a “living document” that can be modified, at will, to justify whatever set of rules or lifestyle they choose to live by! You know; all those unique characteristics that make them “special”.
Let me be clear, I am not without human compassion! There are people who need “special assistance”; people with
physical, mental and medical conditions and economic circumstances beyond their control, that need our help and I am all for doing whatever we can to accommodate their needs! However, those people comprise a very small percentage of our population. The people I have a problem with are the pretenders who game the system for fun and profit!
I have no prejudices toward anyone based on race, color, creed, nationality, religion, gender, sexual preference or any other reason. To be sure; people of certain races, ethnic groups, people of different religious persuasions and other groups, as well, have endured hardship and discrimination throughout history in this Country. We cannot allow that to stand! We must insist that everyone be treated fairly and equally!
That said; stay with me now, I’m about to say some things that aren’t very “politically correct”!
legislation to protect the Rights of anyone in this Country! Everyone in this Country has the same Rights as everyone else! All we need is to enforce the laws we have “equally” and fairly for everyone!
So, let the questions and the pondering begin!
Why is anyone “special”? Why does our U.S. Congress pass laws that are supposed to be for the good of all of us and then exempt themselves from those laws? Are they “special”?
Why is Obamacare good for the rest of us when Congressmen and their families, the President and his family, and all those that have been granted “special waivers” are exempt from Obamacare? Are they “special”?
Why do we have “special” hate crime laws? Why is it more hateful to injure or kill a black person than to injure or kill a white person, to kill or injure a homosexual rather than a heterosexual, or to kill or injure a Jew rather than a Gentile? Don’t you hate the person you are injuring or killing, at least, at that exact moment when you are committing the act? What difference does the motivation make? Aren’t all violent crimes, hate crimes? Should the punishment be any more or less severe? I see no difference in any of the above crimes! Just enforce the law “equally”. Enough, already!
Whatever happened to the 1st Amendment? Why can we no longer speak our mind without some “politically correct” organization, some Government Agency or the LSM attacking us on all fronts and in many cases causing us
social and financial ruin? Remember “Joe the Plummer”? Doesn’t everyone have a Right to express their opinions and beliefs without fear of reprisal? Is that Right only for “special” people?
Why should Congressmen be allowed to vote themselves a raise of whatever they choose? Why do we allow that to continue? Isn’t that the same as hiring the fox to guard the henhouse? Does your any employer allow you to give yourself a raise?
Why do we allow our tax dollars to be spent on Presidential vacations or “Spring break” for their children? Does your employer pick up the tab when you go on vacation?
Why do we have millions of people unemployed? Why do we have millions of people losing homes that they worked very hard for because they lost their jobs? Why do we continue to elect people to Congress who believe everyone should own a home whether they can afford it or not?
Why do we have over 45 million people using Food Stamps? Why do we have millions of able bodied adults siting in their taxpayer funded homes, watching their taxpayer funded big screen TV, and having taxpayer funded children who will learn to game the system the same way their parents are gaming the system now and have been doing for generations? Why is that?
Why do we borrow forty cents of every dollar our Government spends from countries who hate us? Why do we continue to have larger deficits each year? Why has our National debt reached $16,000,000,000,000.00 (that’s 16 trillion dollars folks) and counting?
Why do our elected officials in Washington, D.C. refuse to consider or even discuss the indisputable fact that Obama is not eligible to be POTUS? Whether he was born in Hawaii or any one of the 57 States, he thinks we have, is not the issue! The Supreme Court has previously defined a natural born citizen as; a child whose parents were U.S. Citizens at the time of his or her birth. Clearly, by his own admission and confirmed by the forged birth
certificate he finally did produce, his father was a British subject! Don’t you think it’s very strange that our Congressmen refuse to even discuss that issue, much less take any action on it?
Why is our Country having its life blood slowly, but surely drained? Why doesn’t somebody do something? Why are there so many questions? What are the answers to all these questions? Why am I even asking all these questions?
The answer to most of the questions above and the solution to most of the problems they point out can be found if we can only find an answer to my next and final question!
I remember a few years back when President Ronald Reagan referred to those folks as the great “silent majority”. He called them out. They showed up at the polls and he received a landslide election victory!
They know the answers to all of my questions! They know that the principles contained in our Constitution will put America back on track and return her to her rightful position as leader of the free world! We just have to demand loud and clear in a united voice that our Constitution must be adhered to!
Don't know who your elected officials are, or, how to contact them? Shame on you! Click here, enter your address and find out! Tell them to do what's right and adhere to our Constitution, or your next vote will be for someone who will!
I still believe in America! I still believe in our Constitution! I still believe that great “silent majority” is out there! I still believe they share those same values that made our Country the greatest Nation on the planet! I still believe we can get out Country back! I still believe if we work together, we can make a difference and turn our Country
Wake up America!
We need your help!
Come on down!
God bless our troops, past and present and God bless The United States of America!
Dave Allen
Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."